Kath Pinnock

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Cleckheaton Ward and member of the House of Lords. Learn more

Strata Homes application on Urban Green Space, Cleckheaton

by Kath Pinnock on 29 May, 2015

A very controversial planning application for land off New Lane, Cleckheaton is being considered at the next meeting of the Council’s Strategic Planning Committee on Thursday June 4. The application by Strata Homes is for 39 houses on the fields adjacent to New Lane and Pearson Street off Moorside.
Details can be seen at https://kirklees.gov.uk/business/planning The application number is 2014/93073

I have strongly opposed this planning application because the land is defined as Urban Green Space in the Council’s planning policy document. This definition gives the land a good deal of protection from development. It doesn’t prevent planning applications being made though.

There are many very good reasons for the committee to refuse the application for 39 houses. These include:
1. the site is in urban green space and thus afforded protection from development;
2. the negative impact on trees and wildlife on this very important green hillside which is much loved by local residents;
3. the access using Pearson Street is a single width and not acceptable as the access road to the development, especially as the existing properties have no off street parking.

This application needs to be refused. There are plenty of brownfield sites in the area that are crying out for development.


2 Responses

  1. Graeme Raisbeck says:

    119 individual resident responses from Moorside fully agree with Baroness Pinnock.

    24 further objections came in for the amendments ..

    Versus zero people in the community registering ‘for’ the development.

    Our daughter had sports day at Hightown School today ..With her 4 year old temporary classroom having reduced the playing fields to half the small size it already was.

    The school is already over subscribed.

    The Library is under pressure.

    The Sports centre is closing.

    The people of Cleckheaton are asking what exactly does sustainability in house building / planning mean ?

    Lots of people and lots of houses with ever decreasing services and facilities ?

    Well the people of Cleckheaton and Moorside have had enough of attempts to take away our last significant internal Green Space.

    Thanks for the support Baroness Pinnock and the Lib Dems.

    • Kath Pinnock says:

      Thank you and for your successful campaign. We must now wait and see whether the applicants will appeal the decision. My expectation is that they will. We’ll do our best to keep everyone informed and help put the best possible case at any appeal hearing.

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