Kath Pinnock

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Cleckheaton Ward and member of the House of Lords. Learn more

£50,000 for Police Commissioner deputy – and must be Labour member

by Kath Pinnock on 14 March, 2013

The West Yorkshire Police commissioner was elected last November. In the election he was supported by less than 7% of voters. He gets paid more than £100,000 a year.
Now, just 3 months later, he wants a Deputy. The Deputy will be paid £50,000 a year.

This is an appallingly bad decision.

First of all the is no need for such a Deputy.
Secondly the vast salary is the equivalent of at least 2 PCSOs.
Thirdly the police commissioner has decreed that the new Deputy HAS to be a member of the Labour Party.
This is a huge blow to our precious concept of a politically independent police service.

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