Kath Pinnock

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Cleckheaton Ward and member of the House of Lords. Learn more

Draft Plans for new Housing and Business sites published

by Kath Pinnock on 30 September, 2015

Kirklees Council’s Labour Cabinet have finally released their plans for new sites for housing and business development. This is the Local Plan.
There are many proposals for developments in our Cleckheaton ward. Some are sites which already have planning permission but have yet to be built such as the large derelict site on Westgate.

However, some are, in my view, very controversial.

This is NOT a full list just some of the proposals that are very likely to have a great deal of local opposition, for good reasons:

1. a large site for 318 houses and business development between Kilroyd Avenue in Hunsworth and Brookfield View
2. A very large site for business development between the A58 Whitehall Road and Whitechapel Road in Scholes. All of this site is currently Green Belt.
3. Hartshead Moor Special School site on Halifax Road next to the Old Packhorse – 46 houses
4. Kenmore Field 50 houses
5. Land next to Whitechapel Primary School – 133 houses
6. Land off Balme Road and Brookfields – 21 houses

This is the link to the Council’s website for all the details of the proposed sites.


There will be a chance to have your say. And as your local councillors we will have a lot to say!
Formal consultation begins on November 9 for 6 weeks.
I’ll use this website to try and put up more information and opportunities for you to have your say.


2 Responses

  1. Colin Mason says:

    Could you please tell us the situation regarding plans for 300+ houses in Merchant Fields, are there specific plans available from Kirklees? Do you know if housing will be mixed with industrial premises and how could we keep up to date with consultation comments and the likelihood of plans being passed.

    Thank you

    • Kath Pinnock says:

      Hi, I’m very sorry to have not checked on responses to my posts much sooner.
      The draft plans are published on the Council’s website http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/localplan
      We have written to everyone who is directly affected in Hunsworth and are holding a meeting on Saturday 9 January at 2pm in the Scout HQ
      We have just printed a flyer for the meeting with some information on the plans to go to every house in Hunsworth so I hope you will get that in the next few days.

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