Kath Pinnock

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Cleckheaton Ward and member of the House of Lords. Learn more

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Netto Store for Cleckheaton? Houses on Birkett’s on Hightown Road?

by Kath Pinnock on 25 June, 2015

A new Netto store could be built on the corner of Horncastle Street and Northgate. Today there is a meeting of the Heavy Woollen Planning Committee. The Committee will decide if the planning application on behalf of Netto should be given the go ahead.
The application is for a 1,000 sqm store with access on the corner of Horncastle st. and Northgate. There will be parking for 60+ cars. You can see the committee report at https://democracy.kirklees.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=150&MId=4735&Ver=4

The application number is 91170/2015 and the details can be seen at <a href="http://www2.kirklees.gov.uk/business/planning/application_search/default.aspx“>
I hope this application gets approved. Many local people have told us that they would like an alternative to Tesco and a store that will give Tesco much needed competition.

Francis Birkett’s are specialists in casting copper based alloys and employ over 100 people. They have an application to move off their current site on Hightown Road and then to develop the site for around 44 houses. This application is an outline one. This means that it is to establish the principle of building houses there.

From speaking with local people, there is broad agreement that this application is OK as long as Birketts can move to a site in the area. Keeping Birketts in the Cleckheaton area is important for jobs and keeping the skills here.

The details of both applications can be seen at

and using the application number which for Birketts is 90035/2015


4 Responses

  1. An Onymous says:

    Nevermind competition to Tesco, what about the local shops? A store like netto would kill off the town centre good and proper.

    • Kath Pinnock says:

      Hi, the Chambera of Trade supported the application with some reservations and they are best placed to judge what may happen. We only want to do the best for our town. Let’s see if it gets built.

  2. Pam says:

    It’s about time there was competition for tesco, I don’t think the town will suffer, it may bring more custom. Cleckheaton at the moment is so run down and forgot about, it certainly needs a mass facelift to bring it back to life.

  3. Russell says:

    Are you going to shut down the sports centre.

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